And like so many of the titles bestowed by the followers of the Corpse-God, utterly meaningless.
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Currently, the mod alters and optimizes the codes for beacon and searching to prevent lag spikes from happening. 'Heresy: such a simple word for such a complex idea. How to Boost Your FPS in Minecraft 1.12.2 Step 1: Installing Minecraft Forge Step 2: Download Optifine Step 3: Installing the Optifine Mod Step 4: Open. There are several Minecraft codes that are left unoptimized and this mod tries to address and remedy the problem. With BetterFPS, you can completely remove the fog, beacon beam, and other particles that might affect performances. Many Minecraft particles create unnecessary strain to the user’s processors, one example is the fog generation of the game. These changes will affect both client and server -side of the game. This mod changes the sin() and cos() algorithms that will affect how efficient the game will process its data. This mod will remove the pre-allocation so the system can make use of the RAM more efficiently. However, for most players where memory isn’t a problem, this will make Minecraft consume more memory than it should. Minecraft has a 10 MB RAM pre-allocation for users who doesn’t have enough memory to start with, and for those who plan to use heavy or many mods. All improvements and changes can be enabled and disabled separately in the config file or in the in-game mod option if Minecraft Forge is installed. The mod changes some vanilla aspects of Minecraft so that it won’t consume as much memory as it should, while trying to replace some codes to make the in-game processing more efficient. If you are one of the players who suffer from low frame rate while playing Minecraft, then you might want to consider installing this mod to remedy the problem.īetterFPS Mod is a simple Minecraft mod that adds a few performance improvements while maintaining compatibility with other mods. Minecraft doesn’t have triple A graphics, however, because it is built with Java technology, it still demands a ton of resources for your PC.